ACTION REQUIRED: Shoppers/FreshCo Site 2400-2440 Dundas St W.
The developer of the Shoppers/FreshCo site has submitted amendments to their application. The amendments will be presented at Toronto and East York Community Council on December 4th 2024. You can view the planners report here: 2400-2440 Dundas Street West – REPORT FOR ACTION
You can submit your comments, concerns and feedback directly on the City site; at the agenda item link click on the “Submit Comments” button at the top of the page. The deadline for submissions is December 3rd 2024.
Click the image to read the agenda item and submit feedback
As discussed at the last WBCA meeting, area residents have numerous concerns about the site. Here are some suggestions to assist in sending feedback. Feel free to copy/paste and personalise your message:
Regarding the Proposed Development at 2400-2440 Dundas St W – Item – 2024.TE18.1
I am writing to voice my concerns regarding the following areas of the proposed development:
- Building Height: The proposed tower heights of 37, 42 and 25
storeys make these towers higher than any built or approved development in the area. As indicated in the staff report, the towers will likely create shadowing over a large area of the neighbourhood, particularly in the spring and fall.
- Setbacks: Tower B2 – (25 Storey) podium is setback 5 m, and the tower portion is set back only 2 m, both less than the minimum setback as outlined in the Tall Building Guideline, adopted by the city in 2013. This has the potential to increase the downward wind shear at the street level.
- Affordable Units: Affordable housing is an important part of any thriving, equitable community. While we appreciate 11 affordable units in Phase 1, the City should secure a higher number of affordable units from the Developer. Additionally, the affordable units will use all of the site’s community development benefits and represents only 2.5% of the total units in this first phase of the development.
- Community Amenities: Although a park is included in the plans, there are no other community amenities. With 1200+ units being added to the neighbourhood it is imperative that with a shortage of libraries, schools, community centres, daycares and public spaces, additional amenities accessible to the entire neighbourhood, not just the tower residents, should be included in this development.
- Congestion, Traffic and Pedestrian Safety: The Dundas West and Bloor West intersection is notorious for high numbers of traffic accidents involving pedestrians. Developments such as this increase the possibility of dangerous vehicle/pedestrian interactions. Without a thoughtful and robust plan for moderating traffic safety, our neighbourhood will surely see higher incidence of traffic accidents.
Your voice matters!
There are numerous developments in various stages of progress in the area.
See the following document for a comprehensive review:
2461 – 2475 Dundas St W
A development application was been submitted for 2461 – 2475 Dundas St W (Dundas and Glenlake) for a 29 storey building with 288 residences, 38 cars and 328 bikes.
The City has refused the application.
Details and renderings can be found at Storeys.
See below: