To Whom it May Concern The West Bend Community Association has represented the people of this neighbourhood for more than three decades. Our Community enjoys a strong level of engagement from individuals who have a long-term interest in our neighbourhood and our neighbours. We consist of a significant number of residents who have rented and owned in the area for dozens of years, and many more who intend to. Our stake in this Community has survived many new housing developments, multiple politicians at all levels, and more than one “planing ideology”. The people of this Community know the neighbourhood like none other. We have the most at stake. Our expertise has been recognized before, at an override appeal on an almost identical proposal In the late 2000’s, members of the community participated in an OMB hearing for a similar proposal at this very same corner. The inappropriate size of the proposal and limitations of the developer’s supporting studies were made clear during the hearing. The developer at that time had sought to take advantage of a loophole in zoning regulations that had not been updated since the City was amalgamated. Thanks in a large part due to the Community’s efforts, the proposal was ultimately rejected, however, it served as a wake-up call. Working with all potential stakeholders that including the City, property developers, school boards, the TTC, and local businesses, the residents of this neighbourhood participated in a formal and comprehensive Avenue Study centred around this vital intersection of Bloor and Dundas. The study looked at the surrounding area as a whole and developed a robust vision for sustainable growth. The Study still represents the optimal approach to development of the area in consideration of all the stakeholders and development sites for years ahead. People that live in the West Bend tend to stay in the neighbourhood which is furthered by the variety of housing options available. Our diversity is a characteristic that has driven our neighbourhood’s sustainable growth, continually welcoming a variety of new people into a stable and well-established community. Our Community is the largest and most significant long-term stakeholder in what happens at the corner of Bloor and Dundas. We are the foremost experts on this neighbourhood. This is why we must be granted formal recognition and party status at this hearing.